Friday, March 5, 2010

Dear Driver Who Cut Me Off Today

Dear Driver of the SUV who cut me off today,

I try not to complain too much about traffic. Afterall when you live in LA, traffic (and bad driving) is just a part of life. Complaining about it just puts me in a negative mood. However, your lack of respect for your safety and mine on the road has taken discourtesy to new heights. There is a reason that your car comes with a blinker. It is not an accessory, it is a safety device used to warn other drivers that you intend to change lanes. Otherwise, we are left to try and read your mind. And as much as I would love to have that gift, I don't. Furthermore, were you aware that is now against the law to talk on the cell phone without a hands-free device? Clearly, the law was intended for people like you whose driving is severely impaired by being on the phone. My greatest wish for you is that a) you do not end up harming another person with your reckless driving and that b) you should experience some of the same frustration that you laid upon me today.

With great affection,